Why do cats lick and purr at you?

We present to you the best information available so that you understand everything about the behavior of your favorite little creature. You will know why he licks you and purrs.
Understand why your cat licks you
Imagine. Back from work, you sit comfortably on your sofa, snuggled in a thick blanket, when suddenly your cat approaches and jumps right next to you.
That's all you were missing. But the warm feeling of fur is replaced by rough, sandy licks against your skin.
Does it tickle you? Well, cat tongues (not to be confused with biscuit!) have tiny hooks on the inside to pick up debris from their fur. When he licks you, you feel like you're at the beautician for a skin exfoliation session. But actually, why does your cat lick you?
If this scene brings back memories but leaves you doubtful, you are not alone. Cats and humans have had communication problems for years : We don't speak meow, and they can't understand our alphabet. Luckily, there are cat experts who know exactly what your cat is trying to tell you when he treats you like you're his paw.
It means you are part of his family
Cat families groom each other regularly. Those of you who own more than one have probably already seen one of them licking the other's face while they enjoy the sun. It's pretty cute! But why do your cats lick you? Well, it's a good sign that he has accepted you into his circle. Your cat loves you!
Cats are very good communicators: thanks to their eyes, their tails and their vocalizations, they know how to convey messages! According to experts, light loving nibbles or light licks from cats are a way of showing affection and some cats even give kisses! Your cat may also show affection by purring, snuggling against you, or rubbing its head against your body.
It's their way of comforting you
Have you noticed your cat's behavior when you are feeling depressed? Sick or stressed, your cat comforts you and calms you just by licking you.
Cats can sense illness in others in their group, so if you're feeling worse, your feline companion might take care of you. It is proven that owning a pet reduces your daily stress and increases your happiness. Some cuddle time with your cat may be all you need to get through a bout of sluggishness.
And also to comfort each other
Toileting will occupy your cat for a good part of the day. So when they are anxious or stressed, they tend to groom themselves excessively to comfort themselves. To find out if his licking is linked to stress, see if it continues over time. Since your cat is your partner, he may lick you to relieve his stress as well as his own. So, after you spot bald spots on his body, or if he constantly licks his own body or yours, consult a veterinarian.
Or he marks his territory
Cats are territorial animals, meaning that many cats view their owners as their property or "territory." One of the answers to the question “why do cats lick you?” is that they mark you in the eyes of other cats as their property.
Experts compare this behavior to "spraying," another cat technique that involves using urine to mark their territory. So it could be worse! Licking is a way of letting other cats know that they care about you and that you belong to them . It's pretty cute, right?
Why does my cat bite me, then lick me?
While cleaning their fur, cats sometimes bite themselves. And potentially you with it! Small bites are a sign of affection, but your cat can also mean that he wants to play or, on the contrary, that he wants you to leave him alone.
To know what's going on, you need to look at the rest of his body language. If, for example, his ears are erect and pointed towards you, you can play! If they are lying down, it is better to stop.
Why do cats lick you excessively?
Cats who lick you excessively may be trying to tell you something: They are worried about you . Experts explain that in the wild, cats groom each other to help keep each other clean, so as not to attract large predators.
What does a cat that licks you a lot tell you? Well, your kitten is showing you that he considers you a member of his family . He cares about you: he brings you a rodent that he hunted because he thinks you are incapable of hunting on your own. Your cat also thinks you need help learning personal grooming techniques.
Don't expect to be able to keep up with them, though - adult cats can spend up to 50% of their day grooming and are instinctively driven to clean themselves. You can try to gently explain to your cat that you appreciate their efforts, but that there is no real risk of predation.
However, now that you understand what it means when a cat licks you, you can appreciate their behavior for what it is: love! And maybe distract them with a feather toy instead.
Understanding why cats purr
The sound of the cat hides a lot of things. When a purring cat rubs against you, you are overcome with a feeling of well-being... This adorable little kitten must love you, right? Happiness isn't the only thing that makes cats purr.
How do cats purr?
You're probably wondering why cats purr, but also how. How do they create this distinctive sound? In fact, contrary to what one might believe, cats do not have an area of the body dedicated to producing purrs.
The sound actually comes from rapid vibrations of their vocal cord. Purring is a signal emitted by the central nervous system and transmitted to the muscles of the larynx. These muscles contract and relax successively while the cat inhales and exhales, thus producing these famous vibrations that we can feel and hear.
Why do cats purr?
They were born for this . Cats start purring, and hearing purrs, from childhood. Mothers purr to attract their kittens, which are blind and deaf at birth, to them for food and warmth. Kittens purr to show that they are okay and to create a bond with their mother. As they grow, they use purrs to communicate joy and contentment, relief from pain.
What does a cat purr mean?
What makes a cat purr? Sure, you might hear purrs when your pet is relaxed or friendly , but cats also purr when they're hungry, stressed, or in pain . Any behavior depends on your cat's childhood, the context and its expectations.
So cats don’t purr just for one reason – as if we humans laugh for just one reason! Purrs are subject to interpretation. So watch for subtle signs that indicate your cat might be depressed, or even just grumpy.
Purring releases endorphins . Experts believe cats use these vibrations to calm themselves. Your cat may benefit from your cuddles to purr, as it helps calm his nerves or even heal his pain. Female cats are known to purr during childbirth.
Studies have also shown that whole-body vibrations of 35 to 50 Hz can help stimulate bone healing . Cat purring frequencies range from 25 to 150 Hz, and some suggest these vibrations may help cats maintain a strong skeleton.
Surprisingly, even NASA astronauts have used vibration therapy in space , where the absence of gravity makes it impossible to practice bone-healthy exercises. You may not be able to teach your cat to purr on command, but you can teach him to do other things.
As for hum frequencies above 150 Hz, they serve a completely different purpose. One study found that when cats tried to entice their owners to feed them, the frequency of their purring increased to 220 to 520 Hz , which is very close to the 300 to 600 Hz of a human baby's cries. Researchers suggest that this high frequency makes the sound more difficult for teachers to ignore.
So not all purrs are equal. Having a cat can be beneficial for your health, but you shouldn't sleep with your cat like a baby!
How to determine why your cat is purring?
Purring is not just a sign of satisfaction, so don't panic the next time you hear it. It's not for nothing that people associate it with happiness. The latter remains the main reason why he will purr, but it also occurs during injuries or suffering . With our furry friends, it is more often a sign of contentment.
The best way to understand your chat's message is to look at the context. If it's dinner time or the frequency of purring is a little higher, your furry friend may be hungry. If your kitten is nipping or pawing at you, he wants to let you know that he is probably annoyed or angry.
Also pay attention to your cat's continuous and insistent vocalizations, whether purrs or, more commonly, meows (or both). If the vocalizations last 24 to 36 hours , your happily purring cat may already be sick . But a cat that purrs while curling up on your lap is simply enjoying this moment with you.
Here's everything you need to know about your favorite companion's purring and licking. Hope this guide will help you become even closer to your cat.