My cat drinks a lot of water: should I worry?

During periods of intense summer heat, it is normal to notice that the water bowls intended for your cats empty out emptier than normal. But apart from this seasonal factor, is it normal for your cat to consume water excessively for no explanatory reason?
Excessive thirst, and indeed excess peeing, is a common sign reported to veterinarians about their pets. Excessive urination, or polyuria , may be observed much more frequently than the excessive feeling of thirst known as polydipsia .
Polyuria and polydipsia can be the very first indicators of a long list of pathologies in felines.

So how do you know if your cat is abnormally thirsty?
The most effective method is to evaluate your cat's water consumption and urination and compare them to what has always been normal for him.
There are technical solutions to determine how much water is excessive for my cat, but one of the most important questions to ask is: "Is my cat drinking more than she ever has?" previously ? "
If the answer is YES, a visit to the veterinarian will help limit the reason for this excess.
Why is my cat so thirsty?
Sometimes the problem starts with overconsumption of water. It may be a behavioral problem linked to anxiety or anxiety , or the manifestation of an underlying metabolic disease.
In most cases, this problem leads to frequent urination in your cat, compensating for overconsumption of water.
Three of the most common reasons for excessive peeing and excessive thirst in cats are diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney problems, and hyperthyroidism.
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a hormonal problem that is diagnosed when blood sugar levels are extremely high and the sugar leaks into the urine.
It is caused by a deficiency in the body of the hormonal agent insulin, or when, for one reason or another, the body is immune to insulin.
Diabetes mellitus in pet cats is comparable to type 2 diabetes found in humans. These variables include:
- obesity,
- physical inactivity,
- simultaneous illnesses
- genetic.
Most felines who develop diabetes problems are over 5 years old , males are more likely to have diabetes than females, and the majority are overweight.
Indicators of diabetic problems in cats, besides increased water consumption and urination, include:
- increased cravings
- weight gain
- an unusual coat
- weakness in the hind limbs.
Diabetes can be diagnosed using scientific indicators and blood and urine tests. Treatment includes daily insulin injections and regular monitoring by a veterinarian.

Chronic kidney disease
This is a common disorder of older cats, but felines of any age can be affected. It occurs when something is wrong, either in the structure or function of one or both kidneys.
The functions of the kidneys consist of:
- Eliminate waste from the body
- Balancing electrolytes
- Create certain hormones and vitamins
- Maintain the body's water balance.
When the kidneys begin to malfunction, the urine becomes thinner and pet cats begin to urinate a lot more.
This then leads them to drink even more to maintain their hydration. Adjustments can be spotted on simple urine and also blood tests to indicate kidney disease.
Signs and symptoms other than increased thirst and the urge to urinate may include:
- a reduction in cravings
- weight reduction
- nausea
- vomitings
- a relaxation of the intestines.
Treatment includes adopting a kidney-friendly diet, anti-nausea medications and antacids, and special treatments for concomitant disorders such as hypertension or anemia.

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid glands produce excess active thyroid hormones.
Most cats have hyperthyroidism as a result of a process called benign hyperplasia (extreme cell growth) in both thyroid glands, located in the neck along the windpipe or windpipe.
Generally, middle-aged to older felines are affected, at the age of 12 or 13 when indicators appear.
Thyroid hormonal agents are very important for many fundamental metabolic characteristics of the body. They are important for heat regulation as well as the metabolic rate of nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats).
Excess thyroid hormones boost metabolism and can also lead to weight loss. They can also increase heart rate and blood pressure and make the heart work much faster, which can damage the heart muscle.
Signs of hyperthyroidism in cats generally include:
- Increased cravings
- weight loss
- hyperactivity
- Finding a cool place
- Vomiting
- Relaxation of the intestines.
Hyperthyroidism can be diagnosed with simple blood tests. Treatment includes oral medications or radioactive iodine treatment in a specialist hospital.
So how do I know if my cat is suffering from dehydration?
The first steps in determining the root cause of polyuria or polydipsia are a complete physical examination of your cat, a thorough investigation, and a laboratory investigation at your veterinarian.
The history is important to ensure that the problem is indeed excess urinating and drinking and not other symptoms which may in some cases seem comparable.
For example, a feline who is suffering from a urinary system infection may feel like he is urinating a lot, but the amount of urine is actually regular, and it just seems like he has to urinate more due to the infection, so he goes in and out of the toilet several times a day.
This is not really polyuria but a high frequency of urination which has the scientific name pollakiuria .
Urinary incontinence in cats can also be confused with an excessive need to urinate, but it has its own list of underlying causes that are not discussed below.
Laboratory tests that will help determine the underlying cause of your cat's incontinence consist of a complete blood count (or CBC), biochemical assay, urinalysis, and urine culture.
The urinalysis will examine the ability of your feline's kidneys to concentrate urine and will also look for signs of infection.
In summary, if you've noticed that your cat seems to be consuming even more water than usual since the weather has gotten colder, or if you feel like there's even more pee in the litter box or he uses it more often, make an appointment with your veterinarian.
With the help of your veterinarian as well as a few simple research laboratory tests, a hidden factor can be discovered. Your veterinarian will then be able to advise you on additional examinations to carry out as well as treatments to recommend for you and your feline.
Water consumption in cats depending on various factors
Cats consume different amounts of water depending on their diet.
Cats fed wet food will definitely get much of the water they need from their food (just like their wild cat ancestors)
Pet cats fed primarily a completely dry diet will consume even more water.
Increasing your cat's hydration rate
If you notice that your cat is drinking more than normal, this may indicate that something is wrong. The increased water intake is called "polydipsia."
The most common causes of increased thirst and water consumption include:
- Kidney (renal) disorder
- Liver (hepatic) disease
- Diabetes mellitus (problems of diabetics)
- Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
- Urinary tract disease.
Compensation for increased water intake, for example, losses after vomiting or diarrhea.
If the amount of water your feline drinks bothers you, it may help to monitor his water intake for 24 hours. You can measure water consumption over a 24-hour period by filling your waterer(s) to the brim, measure the amount of water remaining at the end of the 24-hour period and deduct it from the volume of water contained in complete meal(s) (this may be more difficult to do if you have more than one feline at home).
Polydipsia is defined as a pet cat's water consumption of more than 100 ml per kg of its body weight each day, but any feline that consumes water more than usual should be examined by a veterinarian, as this may indicate that something is wrong.
Since there are many reasons why your cat has increased thirst, your veterinarian will usually perform a blood and urine test to determine the underlying reason. Once the source of polydipsia is identified, appropriate treatment can begin.